123123 New Year’s Eve

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As this year comes to an end,
Know that the New Year brings
Love and Happiness to those
Who seek to serve Mankind.

And know that your Son
Has found his real Father
Who art in Heaven.

So as the New Dawn approaches,
Be assured that a New Age awakens.
For those who humbly ask to
Serve God and the Divine Plan.
And know that there is a Divine Destiny.
For your son. Dreamland in Reality.

And know that He opens His Heart
To you as you have so loved His Son.
And may your New Life be filled
With the Gold which is in Your Heart.
And let it flow out to those in Need.

For a Holy Man I have known
And Loved.
So fear not the Future,
For she provides your wants and needs
As my Father has for me.

So let us give Thanks
For the Moments we have shared
And Grown In.

For He saw His Son.
And He was pleased.

In Love & Peace.

Written 12/31/1979

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