When I first started my enterprise, I was sharing it with someone. It was their dream. Not mine. Since one can only accept a Dream, sharing it is the only thing to do. Once you believe in a dream, do not stop! Otherwise, how would anyone know when you are serious? No, once you accept it, you have no choice. For unless you complete it, it will haunt you.
Revenue ideas are all right, but Spiritual ones are better. It all really depends on the mix.
Patience is what is called for. Why hurry the process as if you are the one to decide the outcome? No, this event isn’t your staging. We are talking about Dreams. Not your everyday ordinary Reality, are we now, Mate? You already know about that reality, don’t you? Otherwise, why would you be here?
In Dreamland.
No, there are other rules here. We shy away from them, especially when they are not compatible with the Scheme. No, this land is not going to be easy. Everyone is doing it up here— but for real!
The computer is a special kind of human. It isn’t. Oh, you can capitalize it but only if you know the right key. You can let it whip out multitudes of comparisons of yourself. The Programmer. You can tell that instrument what to do. A constant healer.
But the Truth is. A handshake does not do it anymore. No, we have created a pile of manure between you and that handshake. After all, here is what it boils down to:
If the World is where the action is, where is your niche? It is no good to be on the outside looking in. Lyrics for a song, maybe.
If you are out in left field, nobody is going to know that you are in the game. Home plate is definitely where the action is intended to be. So everybody is trying to score.
Hit pay dirt. Land the big one. Hollywood.
Whether you be more in line in some areas than others . . .
The Big Eve comes.